Inside North Korea

Inside North Korea follows Shane Smith of Vice as he; after giving up on getting a visa to visit North Korea flies to South Korea. His plan is to check out the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) and at least get a look across the border at the North.But while in South Korea a chain of events lead to Smith getting one of the extremely few visas issued and he's on his way to Pyongyang the North Korean capital.

The documentary shows the bizarre way Smith and his camera man are treated while there.Constantly chaperoned; visitors are on a bus tour of sorts to pre-determined landmarks and points of interest.If Smith thought he was going to get some kind of expose on people or reported living conditions in DPRK the strict schedule and escort put paid to that.

Nonetheless it's fascinating seeing the crew man-managed, visitors strictly prohibited from even leaving the hotel unescorted. There is a seemingly god like status of not only the current "Supreme Leader" Kim Jong-un but also former leaders his Farther Kim Jong-il and Grandfather Kim Il-sung.Absolute anti American rhetoric is in place since the Korean war, Yanks seem to be the fault for all bad.Smith also brings some humour to the process which by the end is turning into anger.

Inside North Korea
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